Tuesday, May 25, 2010

contoh email spam (lagi) - percaya atau jangan percaya?

Jangan ditiru. Tidak baik untuk kesehatan!

From: Hussan Hussan [mailto:hhussan33@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 8:23 PM
To: hhussan33@yahoo.com
Subject: My Brother & My Sister Indonesian

My Brother & My Sister.

Please i need trust with you. How are you and your family? Hope all is good in health. Please i need your help like my own brother hood, family relationship. Please this is a private matter and i am not contacting any body except you.

I need your trust & help to claim out my fathers Money $1.8 Million us dollars and some jewelries, in Jakarta Indonesia. Please this matter is between you and me because i never discuss with any body yet. Listen: If you sure you will not betray me or plan to kill me and carry the money run away. You will take 30% from my fathers money $1.8 M, after you help me to claim out the money  with a registration of $1800 and secure the money in your business or Restaurant business, property business, school business.

I am here in Jakarta Indonesia as Refugees since 2 weeks and i have no family, since my father died into political dispute and a lot of disasters in country Porto Au Prince. Then i run down to Indonesia with my fathers money and Refugees visa.

I am Hussan Dibon. 29 years American. Porto Au Prince, single.

Please i don`t know anybody here in Indonesia, so please be my family and trust person to me. This is all my life and my future hope, i will not like you to discuss with anybody about this matter if you serious to help me. Please keep secret with you and show me your effort and help.

I want us to meet face to face and discuss well about this money and what we can use this money to invest. I am not always checking my mail, so better you send me your phone number for easy communication. So that we meet face to face for conclusion.

Please if you agree with 30% for you, send me your phone number immediately and prepare to meet me soonest.

God bless you and your family.
Hussan Dibon.

Posted via email from lonkay's posterous

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Waspada Mutasi DB baru

Tul gak ya.....? anyway.... kita waspada lebih baik

munculnya mutasi virus dengue/demam berdarah. Orang2 kalangan atas seperti
Presdir Astra & dir Wings Biru yg notabene org2 kelas atas menjadi korban
tewas akibat mutasi virus DB !
ini tdk menampakkan gejala umum DB, tdk ada demam tinggi, tdk ada bintik2
merah, penderita hanya merasa sedikit meriang & batuk2, sehingga hampir
tiap penderita menganggapnya sbg flu biasa, persis spt yg dialami Presiden
Direktur Astra & Wings, setelah bbrp hari gejala meriang tdk hilang (jelas
tdk hilang krn DB kok diobati dgn obat flu), ke 2 orang tsb dibawa ke Singapore
dan ke 2 nya tidak tertolong, saran dari dokter2 Indonesia : begitu ada gejala
meriang, SEGERA ke RS terdekat periksa darah, utk mrk yg periksa darah pd hr ke
3 atau ke 4 biasanya tidak tertolong !
bawa pasien ke singapore krn dokter2 disana tdk pengalaman nangani pasien DB,
justru dokter2 kita lbh pengalaman. Virus ini bermutasi luar biasa, nyamuk
pembawa virus bisa bertelur di genangan air yg tidak jernih sekalipun, bisa
hidup di daerah tinggi yg dingin dan betah hidup di area perkotaan yg padat
penghuni, klrn itu lah virus ini disebut virus metropolis (Majalah Tempo), hari
ini ibunda artis Lidya Kandou jg meninggal dgn gejala meriang, blm jelas apakah
jg korban virus yg sama, yg jelas menurut Tempo nyamuk pembawa virus ini
menggigit bekas pasien DB yg ditubuhnya msh ada sisa2 virus DB yg
"dormant" (tidur), saat mengigit itulah virus dr bekas pasien DB
bersintesis dgn virus yg ditubuh sang nyamuk, ke 2 virus ini bermutasi
melahirkan virus baru yg justru lbh berbhaya krn gejalanya tersamar sbg gejala
flu biasa yg kita anggap remeh, jadi ber hati2 lah kalau kita mengalami gejala
meriang, badan tidak enak & batuk2, segera ke RS terdekat minta pemeriksaan
DB, semoga info ini bermanfaat.

FTI, dari Millis tetangga.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Konon katanya pengobatannya dengan just daun pepaya mentah, yang dicuci bersih dulu

Jangan dimasak karena akan merusah zat yang berkasiat.
Ditumbuk dan diperas airnya, tapi pahitnya.


Posted via email from lonkay's posterous

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